
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

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Koe to Kynan

KOE, John. Per "Malabar", 1819

1819 Nov 5

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Malabar" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.13)

KOHE, William. Prisoner at Port Macquarie

1822; 1824 May 27

Petitions to return his wife to Port Macquarie (Fiche 3220, 4/1866 p.38; Reel 6069, 4/1817 p.48). Reply, 22 Jun (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.508)


1824 Sep 20

On return of fines and punishments in the Police Office (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.91)

KONCOKY, James (Per "Earl Spencer", 1813) see KONISKY, Joseph

KONGATE. Aborigine

1816 Jul 20

Proclamation outlawing him for acts of atrocity and offering a reward for his capture or execution (Reel 6038; SZ1044 pp.226-31)

1816 Nov 1

Proclamation ceasing hostile operations against the native tribes and offering pardons to those surviving who were named in the proclamation of 20 Jul providing they surrender by 28 Dec (Reel 6038; SZ1044 pp.232-4)

KONISKY, Joseph. Per "Earl Spencer", 1813; hussar

1813 Oct 14

On list of convicts disembarked from "Earl Spencer" and forwarded to Revd Samuel Marsden at Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6002; 4/3491 p.561)

1815 Apr 8

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson"; listed as Kinoskey (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.12)


1819 Jul 29

Male Indian servant of William Browne embarked on "Mary" for return to Calcutta following ill-treatment (Reel 6018; 4/3521 p.226)

KOOMAN, Little. An Aborigine

1823 Aug 11

Appointed constable, Minto district (Reel 6058; 4/1769 p.128)


1816 Apr

On list of hostile natives (Reel 6065; 4/1798 p.43)


1816 Apr

On list of hostile natives (Reel 6065; 4/1798 p.43)

KORRA KORRA. Maori chief in New Zealand

1811 Aug 15

Authorised by Lachlan Macquarie to grant permission for Commanders or crew of vessels to take Maoris with them (Reel 6044; 4/1730 p.329)

1814 Nov 9

By General order invested with power re removal of natives from New Zealand (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.2)

KRANKIE. Aborigine of Point Piper

1822 Jul

Two persons with the same name. Petition from, with other black natives at Point Piper, soliciting clothing (Reel 6052; 4/1753 p.159)

KRASSURE, Joseph. Farmer on the Hawkesbury

1810 Jan

Memorial (Fiche 3005; 4/1821 No.176)

KULKANAGHAN, John. Per "Three Bees", 1814

1814 May 11

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Three Bees" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3493 p.165)

KURRAJONG, District of

1823 Sep 26

Report to be made re small farms in the Kurrajong Brush and settlers occupying lands which have never been measured or granted (Reel 6068; 4/1814 p.92)

1823 Nov 4

Visit to, by R Hoddle, when surveying new road to Blue Mountains (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.109-12)

KURRAJONG, Water mill at see SINGLETON, Benjamin; SINGLETON, James; SINGLETON, Joseph


KYNAN, Catherine. Per "Archduke Charles", 1813; wife of James Carmichael

1817 Jan 6,10

Re permission to marry James Carmichael at Sydney (Reel 6005; 4/3495 pp.450-1)

1817 Sep 16

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Mary"; listed as per "Catherine" (Reel 6005; 4/3497 p.57)

1818 Jan 30

Wished to leave Newcastle because her possessions in Sydney were in the hands of unreliable persons (Reel 6066; 4/1806 p.106c)

1818 Feb 13

Prisoner at Newcastle. Re remission of her sentence and permission to return to Sydney; appears as Carmichael (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.53)

1818 Feb 13

Sentence to Newcastle mitigated by Macquarie; appears as Carmichael (Reel 6066; 4/1806 p.106i)

1818 Feb 28

Permitted to return to Sydney; appears as Carmichael (Reel 6066; 4/1806 p.107)

KYNAN, Catherine (Per "Catherine") see KYNAN, Catherine (Per "Archduke Charles", 1813)


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