
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

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Khatoah to Kilminster


1819 Jul 29

Male Indian servant of William Browne embarked on "Mary" for return to Calcutta following ill-treatment (Reel 6018; 4/3521 p.226)


1813 Jul 24

On list of persons indebted for stock issued from the Government Herds between 1 Apr 1810 and 24 Jul 1813 (Reel 6043; 4/1728 p.156)

1822 Apr 15, May

On lists of persons indebted to the Crown for livestock issued from the Government Herds & Flocks (Reel 6052; 4/1753 pp.117c, 120)

KIBBLE, Richard. Ordinary constable


Memorial (Fiche 3024; 4/1824B No.429 p.585)

1822 Feb 12

Permitted to proceed with cattle, wife & servants through the Cowpastures to the country southwest of the Cookbundoon Range (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.431)

1823 Mar

On list of constables in Sydney from Sep 1820 to Mar 1823; resigned 9 Jul 1821 (Reel 6056; 4/1764 p.64)


1821 Mar 24

On list of convicts proceeding per "Prince Leopold" to Van Diemen's Land for assignment (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.190)

KIBBY, James. Per "Canada", 1801

1814 Jun 30

On list of persons to receive grants of land in 1814 (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.17)

1816 Nov 16

On list of persons who came as convicts & who claimed they were free at the last General Muster, without supporting documentation (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.283)

KIBELL, John. Per "Malabar", 1819

1823 Feb 11

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.33, 386-7)


1823 Sep 22-Oct 15

In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (Reel 6023; X820 p.115)


1813 Feb

On account of cattle stated in the Muster Masters' returns as not belonging to Government (Reel 6031; 4/7028A p.30)

KIDD, George

1818 Jan 31

Transferred from Gaol Gang to Town Gang (Reel 6047; 4/1741 p.224)

KIDD, Marmaduke. Per "Ocean", 1816


Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3187; 4/1855 p.155)

1822 May 24

Overseer, Lord's Cowpastures road party. Re John MacArthur's application for clearing party (Reel 6022; 4/7014 p.155)

1822 Jul 4

Appointed overseer of the party to clear land for John MacArthur (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.207)

KIDD, Thomas. Per "Isabella", 1822

1824 Mar 1,2

Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.423)

KIDDERMINSTER, William. Per "Baring"


On lists of convicts maintained by William Cox free of expense to the Crown, 1818 (Fiche 3062, 4/1834B No.73 p.443; Reel 6050, 4/1746 p.140; Reel 6058, 4/1769 p.86a)

KIDDY, William. Per "Princess Royal", 1823

1823 Mar 17

On list of convicts landed from the "Princess Royal" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution Reel 6010; 4/3507 p.460)

KIDMAN, Henry. Per "John Barry", 1819

1820 Feb 2

On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per "Princess Charlotte" (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.225)

1822 Jan

On list produced by Charles Ellis of horsekeepers at the Government Stable Yard who must have seen the corn tub in use. Papers re charges brought against Major Druitt (Reel 6053; 4/1755 p.203)

1822 Jul 18

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.68)

1824 Oct 29

Servant of Nat. Johnson. On return of fines and punishments in the Police Office (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.98)


On return of men and boys belonging to Carters Barracks who have been exempted from the Treadwheel by the Acting Engineer (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.264)

KIDMAN, Richard. Of the Derwent

1810 Oct 10

Granted free pardon (Reel 6003; 4/3490A p.120)

KIDNER, Thomas


In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 pp.49, 51)

1796 Mar 23

On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 pp.60, 68)


On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Queenboro' (Fiche 3270; X19 p.14)

1821 May 25

Indebted to the Government at Hobart (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p.64a)

KIDNEY, Samuel. Per "Earl Cornwallis", 1801

1800 Oct 13

On list of convicts on board the "Earl Cornwallis" (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.24)

KIDWELL, John. Per "Surrey", 1814

1823 Jul 7,8

Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.642)

KIER see also CARR; KERR

KIER, Robert. Per "Shipley", 1818; millwright

1822 c.Jan

Millwright at Waterloo Mills. Referred to in papers re charges brought against Major Druitt (Reel 6053; 4/1755 p.175)

1822 Apr 12

Employed by the Waterloo Mill Company. Petitions for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3220; 4/1866 p.33-4)

1822 May 15

On lists of convicts transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson"; listed as Keerr (Reel 6009, 4/3505 p.278; Reel 6019, 4/3864 pp.360-1)

1822 Sep 27, c.Dec

Petition for mitigation of sentence; appears as Kerr (Fiche 3222; 4/1866 pp.32, 92)

1823 May 27

Convicted of conspiracy and sent to Port Macquarie. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3234; 4/1870 pp.4-5). Reply, 23 Jun (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.569)

1823 Jun 24,26

Re his crime and sentence (Reel 6010; 4/3508 pp.571, 582)


KIERNAN, Catherine. Per "Woodman"

1824 Oct 23

Servant to William Lawson. On return of proceedings of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.56)

KIERNAN, James. Surgeon, Wellington Valley

1823 Sep 22

Surgeon, R N. Re John Hall remaining in the Colony due to sickness (Reel 6059; 4/1772 p.134)

1824 Mar 22

Re appointment as Medical Practitioner at Wellington Valley (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.555)

1824 Jul-Sep

Report of Percy Simpson, Commandant at Wellington Valley, re Kiernan's conduct, with related papers (Reel 6069; 4/1818 pp.271-322)

1824 Jul 25

Complaining of the severity of his duties and requesting leave to travel to Sydney (Reel 6017; 4/5782 pp.112-4)

1824 Sep 2

Re referral of Kiernan's letter to Major Morisset, Commandant at Bathurst (Reel 6013; 4/3512 p.314)

1824 Sep 18

Re his complaint against treatment at Wellington Valley and request for permission to leave the settlement (Reel 6069; 4/1818 pp.267-9)

1824 Oct 14

Major Morisset transmitting Simpson's reply re Kiernan's complaints (Reel 6065; 4/1800 pp.193-4)

1824 Oct 25

Re dispute with Percy Simpson and his proceeding to Sydney without leave of absence (Reel 6069; 4/1818 pp.323-4)

1824 Dec 11

Stating that he would be willing to accept a position as surgeon in any other settlement (Reel 6069; 4/1818 pp.19-22). Reply, Dec 24 (Reel 6014; 4/3513 p.146)

1824 Dec 31

Salary paid to him (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.426)

1825 May

Requesting an appointment as he had consumed the whole of his means (Reel 6069; 4/1818 p.23)

KIERNAN, John. Per "Friendship", 1800; farmer of Minto

1824 Sep

Memorial (Fiche 3096; 4/1838A No.539 pp.199-202)

KIERNAN, John or James. Per "Martha", 1818

1823 Aug 1

On list of convicts transported to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.62, 414-5)

KIERNAN, Lawrence. Per "Rolla", 1803

1810 Jan 9

Granted certificate of freedom (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.56)

KIERNAN, Michael

1822 Jun 22

Attached to the Barracks. On return of proceedings of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta (Fiche 3297; X643 p.17)

KIERNAN, Michael. Per "Tyne", 1819

1819 Jan 13

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Tyne" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.259)

1822 Feb 4,6, May 10,11

Re permission to marry in the Roman Catholic Church at Sydney (Reel 6008; 4/3504A pp.263, 401)

KIERNAN, Patrick. Per "Countess of Harcourt", 1822

1822 Dec 26

On list of convicts landed from the "Countess of Harcourt" and forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6010; 4/3507 p.116)

KIERNAN, Terrence. Per "Chapman", 1817

1817 Aug 20

Evidence given at proceedings of Committee of Enquiry into conduct on board "Chapman" (Reel 6020; 9/2639 pp.8-25)

1817 Nov 5,24

To be sent to England as witness in charges of ill-treatment of convicts on "Chapman" (Reel 6046; 4/1738 p.115)

KIERNAN, Thomas. Per "John Barry", 1821

1821 Nov 9

On list of convicts landed from the "John Barry" and forwarded to Evan for distribution (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.38)

KIERNANE, Michael. Per "Guildford", 1816

1822 Sep 23-Oct 21

To be transported to Port Macquarie for seven years. In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction; appears as Kanaun (Reel 6023; X820 p.65)

1822 Oct 11

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Snapper" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.13, 374-5)


Prisoner at Port Macquarie. Petition re error in his sentence; appears as Kenaum (Reel 6069; 4/1817 p.8)

1824 May 12, Jun 1

Re mistake in list sent to Port Macquarie (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.132-3, 147)

KIETHER, Margaret. Born in the Colony

1825 Jan 4

Re permission to marry at Liverpool (Reel 6014; 4/3513 p.211)

KIGELL, Thomas. Per "Prince of Orange", 1821

1822 Jul 2

Overseer in Lumber Yard. Memorial (Fiche 3049; 4/1830 No.204)

1822 Jul 30

Permitted to accompany Andrew Birrell to Hobart Town (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.106)

KIGLEY, John. Per "Greyhound", 1818

1818 Apr 18

On list of convicts transported from India per "Greyhound" (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.163)

KILBRIDE, Edward. Per "Anne", 1801

1810 Jun 9

Granted certificate of freedom (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.51)

KILBRIDE, Michael or Murtagh. Per "Francis and Eliza", 1815

1815 Aug 15

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Canada" and "Francis and Eliza" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.141)


Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3197; 4/1859 p.4)

KILBRIDE, Thomas. Per "Countess of Harcourt", 1822

1822 Dec 26

On list of convicts landed from the "Countess of Harcourt" and forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6010; 4/3507 p.116)

1823 Jan 1

One of five convicts victualled by William Mahony, District constable at Appin, having been sent by mistake to Appin instead of Liverpool (Reel 6058; 4/1769 p.152)

1823 Dec 19; 1824 Aug 13

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.69, 70)

KILBY, William

1792 Feb 22

On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.4)

KILDARE, Owen. Per "Medina", 1823

1824 Apr 23

Assigned to Henry Baldwin of Wilberforce. Memorial of Henry Baldwin (Fiche 3076; 4/1836A No.31 p.121)


On list of convicts assigned to Henry Baldwin (Fiche 3119; 4/1840B No.26 p.157)

KILDUFF, John. Per "John Barry", 1821

1823 Jun 9

Assigned servant of John Good. Memorial of Good requesting that his family & servant be victualled on the Stores (Fiche 3064; 4/1834B No.119 p.717). Reply, 12 Jun (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.493)

1824 Dec 23

Servant of John Good. Memorial of John Good (Fiche 3090; 4/1837B pp.462-3)


Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3249; 4/1874 p.123)

1825 Apr 7

Convict in the service of John Good at the last two musters (Reel 6014; 4/3514 p.65)

KILEEN, Laurence. Per "Friendship"

1825 Nov

To be granted a conditional pardon (Fiche 3292; 4/6974.1 pp.47, 71)

KILFLAHAGAN, Michael. Per "Fortune", 1813

1819 Mar 5

On list of convicts embarked on "Prince Leopold" for the public service in Van Diemen's Land (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.27)

KILFOY, Lawrence. Per "Pilot"

1825 Dec 8

To be transported for seven years. On return of prisoners tried before the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Fiche 3298; X727 p.15)

1825 Dec 24

Convicted of larceny; sentence commuted to transportation to Port Macquarie for three years. On return of prisoners tried and sentenced by the Supreme Court (Fiche 3298; X730 pp.29, 31, 33)

KILFOY, Margaret. Per "Canada"

1821 Feb 14, Mar 5

Re permission to marry in the Roman Catholic Church at Parramatta (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.151)

KILFOYLE, Michael (Per "Earl St Vincent", 1818) see GILFOYLE, Michael

KILFUGH, M (Per "Earl St Vincent", 1818) see GILFOYLE, Michael


KILGARIA, Bartholomew. Per "Southworth", 1822

1822 Mar 14

On list of convicts landed from the "Southworth" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.13)

KILLAN, Patrick. Per "Guildford", 1816

1818 Feb 18

Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3187; 4/1855 p.156)

KILLBRIDE, Thomas. Per "Countess of Harcourt"

1823 Apr 18

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.69)

KILLEEN, James. Per "Southworth", 1822

1822 Apr 25

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.67)

1823 Aug 1

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.62, 414-5)

KILLEEN, Thomas. Per "Hooghley", 1825

1825 Aug 27

Convict servant of Robert Pymble. To be victualled from the Store at Sydney for six months (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.227)

KILLEEN, Thomas. Per "John Barry", 1821

1822 Mar 5

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.67)

1824 Dec 23

Assigned servant of John Good. Memorial of John Good (Fiche 3090; 4/1837B pp.462-3)

KILLEEN, Thomas. Per "Three Bees", 1814; of Appin

1824 Aug 7

Memorial (Fiche 3096; 4/1838A No.540 pp.203-6)

KILLEHER, Mary (Per "Canada", 1817) see CALLAGHER, Mary

KILLEHER, Timothy. Per "Lord Sidmouth"

1822 Jun 7

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.67)

KILLEN, Henry. Per "John Barry", 1821

1821 Nov 9

On list of convicts landed from the "John Barry" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.38)

KILLICK, Ann. Per "Sydney Cove", 1807; of Parramatta

1819 Nov 26

Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3200; 4/1860 p.11)

1825 Nov 26

To be granted an absolute pardon (Fiche 3292; 4/6974.1 p.46)


1821 Sep 8

Crowder's Gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.118)

KILLIN, James. Lieutenant

1800 Oct 2

To be given a list of convicts victualled from the stores (Reel 6039; SZ756 p.339)

KILLIN, John. Per "Daphne", 1819

1819 Sep 28

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Daphne" and forwarded to Liverpool; for the public roads (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.276)

KILLOCH, James. Per "Asia", 1822

1822 Jul 29

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.68)

KILMINSTER, Charles. Per "Henry", 1823

1823 Aug 29

On list of prisoners landed from the "Henry" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6011; 4/3509 p.136)

1825 Apr 25

On list of convicts in the employ of Johanna McKenna of Wilberforce; from Aug 1823 (Fiche 3147; 4/1843B No.588 p.801)

1825 Jun 20

Convict in the service of Mrs J McKenna of Wilberforce at the last two musters (Reel 6014; 4/3514 p.519)

KILMINSTER, John (Per "Prince Regent") see KEMPSTER, John

KILMINSTER, William. Per "Baring", 1815

1815 Sep 15

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Baring" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.176)

1823 Jun 14

To take charge of the grazing run of Thomas John 13 miles to the North West of Bathurst (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.518)

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