
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

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Lawrence, R to Lawson, William (1808)

LAWRENCE, Richard. Per "Larkins", 1817

1817 Dec 2

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Larkins" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6005; 4/3497 p.191)


On lists of convicts maintained by William Cox free of expense to the Crown; in 1818-21 (Fiche 3062, 4/1834B No.73 p.443; Reel 6058, 4/1769 p.86a; Reel 6050, 4/1746 p.140; Reel 6052, 4/1751 p.257)



In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.56)


1824 Jan 8

On list of persons in Van Diemen's Land recommended for grants of land, never having had any before (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.27)

LAWRENCE, Thomas (Senior). Came free per "Sydney Cove", 1807

1810 Jan 26

Cooper to Simeon Lord. Memorial for confirmation of lease on Back Row (Fiche 3006; 4/1822 No.186)

1816 Oct 10

Cooper to Simeon Lord; employed by James Underwood. Memorial (Fiche 3011; 4/1822a No.30 pp.97-8)

1820 Jul 3

Memorial (Fiche 3024; 4/1824B No.444 pp.637-8)

1825 Aug 17,Dec 9

On list of persons who have received orders for grants of land (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.95); on list of lands granted and reserved by Sir Thomas Brisbane (Fiche 3269; 9/2740 p.18)

1825 Oct 10, Dec 6

Memorial of Thomas Lawrence Junior (Fiche 3144; 4/1843A No.545 pp.17-24)


1818 Feb 16

On list of applicants for spirit licenses in Sydney (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.62)

1819 Feb 15

On list of applicants for renewal of spirit licences in Sydney; listed as Laurance (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.318)


1820 Sep 22

Juror at inquest on George Heading held at Anandale farm (Reel 6021; 4/1819 p.297)


1821 Feb 20

Juror at inquest on William Wall held at Sydney (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.703-4)


1821 Sep 8

Painter. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.113)

LAWRENCE, Thomas (Junior). Born in the Colony; of Liverpool

1824 Mar 12, Jun 1

On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290, 4/4570D p.3; Fiche 3291, 4/4570D p.101)

1824 Dec 6; 1825 Oct 10

Son of Thomas Lawrence, free per "Sydney Cove", 1807. Memorial for land at Gunnamatta, Liverpool (Fiche 3141; 4/1843A No.455 pp.17-24). Reply, 9 Dec 1825 (Reel 6016; 4/3516 p.122)

1825 Oct 12

Re applications for land to go through Surveyor General (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.420)

1825 Nov 12,14

On list of persons who have received orders for grants of land (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.94); on list of lands granted and reserved by Sir Thomas Brisbane (Fiche 3269; 9/2740 p.18)

LAWRENCE, Thomas G. Of Phillip Street; landowner at Botany Bay


List of convicts mustered in his employ in 1824 and 1825 (Fiche 3141; 4/1843A No.454 p.13)

1825 Nov 17

List of prisoners who have been mustered in the service of Thomas G Lawrence of Botany Bay (Reel 6064; 4/1788 p.129)

1825 Nov 21

Memorial (Fiche 3141; 4/1843A No.454 pp.11-6)

LAWRENCE, Thomas. Per "Baring", 1819

1819 Jul 3

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Baring" and forwarded to Bringelly for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.164)

LAWRENCE, William. Of Richmond

1816 Jan 16

On list of persons to receive grants of land in 1816; for services in constructing new Western Road (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.29)

1816 Mar 9

On return of horned cattle issued from the Government Herds between 8 May 1814 & 9 Jan 1819; donation for constructing road to Emu Ford (Reel 6048; 4/1742 p.52)

LAWRENCE, William Effingham. Of Launceston, Port Dalrymple

1821 Aug 30

Recommended as a free settler (Reel 6021; 4/1094 pp.259-62)


Re land in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3260; 2/8015.4 p.2)

1823 Aug 16

Offering to sell his vessel the "Lord Liverpool" to the Government (Reel 6059; 4/1772 p.81)

1824 Jan 23

Re use of the "Lord Liverpool" (Reel 6019; 4/3522 p.8)

1824 Mar 18

Re land on the marsh facing the town of Launceston (Reel 6019; 4/3522 p.22)

1824 May 3

Copy of letter received re allocation of land in Launceston (Reel 6017; 4/5782 pp.34-6)

1824 May 14

On return of orders for land to be measured in Van Diemen's Land from 14 Mar to 13 May 1824 (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.40)

1824 Jun 18

Re purchase of vessel from (Reel 6019; 4/3522 p.74)

LAWRENCE, William. Per "Guildford", 1812; of Windsor

1820 Jun 30

Memorial (Fiche 3024; 4/1824B No.445 pp.641-2)

LAWRENCE, William. Per "Mariner", 1816

1816 Oct 18

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Mariner" and forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6005; 4/3495 p.205)


LAWRIE, Moses. Per "Glory"


On list of convicts maintained by William Cox free of expense to the Crown in 1818 (Fiche 3062; 4/1834B No.73 p.443)


LAWRY, Hugh. Per "Medina", 1823

1824 May 29-Jun 26

On list of men on Government Stock Establishment at Bathurst (Reel 6031; 4/7029A pp.124-30)

LAWRY, Walter. Wesleyan Missionary, Parramatta

1817 Aug 29

Given permission to proceed to New South Wales (Reel 6046; 4/1738 p.255)

1819 Aug 24

Signed petition for public meeting to discuss extension work on behalf of the aborigines (Reel 6048; 4/1743 pp.166-8)

1820 Mar 22, Jul 2

Memorial (Fiche 3024; 4/1824B No.446 pp.643-9)

1820 Apr 13

Re erection of accommodation for aged, infirm, blind and destitute persons (Reel 6049; 4/1744 pp.255-6)

1820 Dec 14

Informing of selection of site for Wesleyan Chapel at Parramatta (Reel 6050; 4/1746 p.120)

1821 Jan 11

Convicts disembarked from "Hebe" assigned to at Parramatta (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.37)

1822 Jan 23

Memorial to provide for new chapel in Macquarie Street (Fiche 3055; 4/1832 No.410)

1822 Feb 27

Re bond for T Wright and indentures for W Chapman (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.491)

1822 Apr 29

Petition requesting permission to accompany him to Tonga (Reel 6055; 4/1760 pp.52-52a, 56)

1822 May 30

Memorial for land at Fish River (Fiche 3049; 4/1830 No.210)

1823 Jan 16

Conveyed to the Island of Tonga by Captain Beveridge per "St Michael" (Reel 6057; 4/1766 p.93b)

1823 Apr 5

On return of allotments in the town of Parramatta (Fiche 3265; 4/7576 pp.2, 16)

1823 Jun 12

William Walker, Wesleyan Missionary, allowed temporary occupation of land on the Macquarie River bounded on the east by Lawry's station (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.398)

1824 Jan 17

Had erected a Methodist chapel at Parramatta and requiring confirmation of the grant of the site (Reel 6059; 4/1774 p.6). Reply, 20 Mar (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.545)

1824 Apr 27

Returning to Great Britain for two years; wishing to take assigned servant with him. Also re cattle & land (Reel 6061; 4/1779 p.39). Reply, 3 May (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.72)

1824 Jun 18

Land grant of transmitted to the Surveyor General but not to be delivered until the requisite bonds were executed (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.479)

1824 Jul 17

Six cows issued to Lawrie from Government herd at Cowpastures (Reel 6031; 4/7028C p.128)

1824 Dec 31

Loan made to him (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.445)

1825 Aug

Re Macquarie Street Chapel allotment (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.90)

LAWS see also LAW; LAWES

LAWS, John

1821 Dec

Requesting permission to remain in Colony (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.54-5). Reply, 19 Feb 1822 (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.463)

LAWS, John. Thomas Bowers Gang

1822 Mar 28

Taken off stores and assigned to Mr Dickson to grind wheat (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p.26)

LAWS, John

1823 Jan 7

Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6010; 4/3507 p.175)

LAWS, Nancy. Wife of James MacKneall; cohabiting with D'Arcy Wentworth

1824 Oct; 1825 Aug

Petitions of James MacKneall for redress (Reel 6062; 4/1782 pp.75-77a)


1823 Feb 12

Mary Jones apprenticed to her from Female Orphan Institution (Reel 6040; 4/403 p.95)

LAWSON, George (Private). Governor's Guard of Light Horse

1810 Jan 3

On list of persons holding civil and military employment at Sydney and settlements adjacent (Fiche 3300; 2/8332 p.2)

1816 Jan 1

Governor's Guard of Light Horse. On list of persons holding civil and military employments in New South Wales and its dependencies (Reel 6045; 4/1734 p.12)

LAWSON, George. Chief Constable, Launceston

1823 Jul 14

Re search of Edward French's house pursuant to a search warrant (Fiche 3289; 4/7015.1A pp.14-15)

1824 Jan 8

On list of persons in Van Diemen's Land recommended for grants of land, never having received any before (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.25)


1821 Sep 8

Light Gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.87)

LAWSON, James. Per "Lady Castlereagh", 1818

1823 Mar 21-1824 Nov 20

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D pp.72, 74, 75)



In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.56)

LAWSON, John. Elder son of Lieutenant William Lawson

1820 Jul 1

Memorial (Fiche 3024; 4/1824B No.447 pp.651-6)

1820 Aug 5

On list of new free settlers and other persons to receive cattle on credit from the Government herds (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.185)

1821 Mar 31

On return of horned cattle issued from the Government Herds between 22 Aug 1819 and 27 Dec 1823 (Reel 6031; 4/7028B p.14)

1823 May 5

Re additional grant of land (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.254)

1823 May 8

Memorial of William Lawson (Fiche 3067; 4/1835A No.179 p.160)

1823 Jun 13

Re grant of 500 acres of land (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.502)

1823 Oct 16

On list of persons whose bonds for cattle became due between 13 Aug 1822 and 16 Oct 1823 (Reel 6057; 4/1766 p.146a)

1824 May 19

Application for an order to take delivery of four head of cattle (Reel 6061; 4/1779 p.94)

1824 Aug 21

Re memorial of Lawson for ticket of occupation at Talbragar (Fiche 3097; 4/1838A No.565 pp.347-8)

1824 Sep 8

Allowed temporary occupation of land at Talbragar, forty miles north west of Bathurst for use as a grazing run (Reel 6013; 4/3512 p.348)

1824 Nov 27

Three cows received from Lawson at Bathurst as payment for stock issued on credit (Reel 6031; 4/7029A p.181)


Request for additional grant on the Campbell River (Reel 6062; 4/1782 p.53)

1825 May 28

Cow received from Lawson by Stock Department Bathurst in payment for stock issued on credit (Reel 6031; 4/7029A p.249)

1825 Sep 5,23

Re issue of stock from Rooty Hill Establishment (Reel 6031; 4/7028D pp.200, 203, 207)

1825 Sep 21

Five cows issued to Lawson from Government herd (Reel 6033; X829 p.55)

1825 Oct

On list of persons liable to serve as jurors at Parramatta or Liverpool (Reel 6062; 4/1782 p.83a)

LAWSON, John. Per "Eliza", 1822

1822 Nov 6

On list of men who by their good conduct whilst on board the "Eliza" deserve to have religious books given them (Reel 6055; 4/1762 p.54)

1822 Nov 26

On list of convicts landed from the "Eliza" and forwarded to Bathurst for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.474)

LAWSON, John. Per "Guildford", 1822

1822 Jul 24

On list of convicts landed from the "Guildford" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.75[ii])

1822 Jul 29

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.72)

LAWSON, Nelson Lowe. Born in the Colony; son of William Lawson

1823 May 8

Memorial of William Lawson (Fiche 3067; 4/1835A No.179 p.161)

1824 Aug 19

Memorial (Fiche 3097; 4/1838A No.566 pp.349-52). Reply, 1 Sep (Reel 6013; 4/3512 p.302)

LAWSON, Peter or SCHEVELL. Per "Guildford", 1822

1822 Jul 24

On list of convicts landed from the "Guildford" and forwarded to Evan for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.75[i])

1822 Jul 26

Convict per "Guildford" disposed of in the District of Penrith; sent to Emu Plains (Reel 6055; 4/1761 p.68b)

LAWSON, Richard


In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.54)

LAWSON, Richard. Per "Guildford", 1812; of Bathurst since 1815

1817 Jun 24

Sent to Lachlan River with horses and provisions for Oxley's expedition, received issue of shoes (Reel 6046; 4/1737 p.329)

1818 Jul 18

Working at Bathurst (Reel 6065; 4/1798 p.97)

1819 Jun 10

Salary paid as Overseer at Bathurst from the Police Fund (Reel 6038; SZ1044 p.59)

LAWSON, Sarah (Junior). Daughter of Sarah Lawson

1815 Jun 19

On list of persons on board "Northampton" (Reel 6045; 4/1732 pp.158, 161)

LAWSON, Sarah (Senior). Per "Northampton", 1815

1815 Jun 19

On list of persons on board "Northampton" (Reel 6045; 4/1732 pp.158, 161)

1815 Jun 23

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Northampton" to be employed at the Factory at Parramatta; with one child (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.103)

LAWSON, Thomas. Prisoner at Newcastle

1814 Apr 7

Suspected to having been an accessary to the escape of four prisoners from Newcastle (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.374)

1818 Feb 28

Acting in the place of Assistant Surgeon Evans (Reel 6066; 4/1806 pp.107, 116)

1818 Apr 25

Evidence re Alexander Tompsey's wounds (Reel 6066; 4/1806 p.120)

1819 Feb 1

Re remission of sentence and return to Sydney (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.294)

1819 Feb 6

Prisoner at Newcastle sent to Sydney (Reel 6067; 4/1807 p.5)

LAWSON, Thomas. Surgeon

1819 Sep 29

Evidence at inquest on body of John Roberts (Reel 6021; 4/1819 p.576)

LAWSON, Thomas alias LOWSON. Per "Indian", 1810

1817 Jun 10

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6005; 4/3496 p.177)

1821 Mar 14

On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.170)

1825 May 26

Affidavit that ticket of leave taken by Mr Campbell (Reel 6028; 4/1690 p.118)

LAWSON, William. Commandant at Newcastle and Bathurst; explorer and pastoralist

Arrived as Ensign with New South Wales Corps per "Royal Admiral", 1800. In 1806 and 1809 he was Commandant at Newcastle and 1819-24 Commandant at Bathurst; in 1813 he joined Blaxland and Wentworth in the first successful crossing of the Blue Mountains and while at Bathurst undertook journeys of exploration which helped open up the Mudgee district. He had properties at Prospect, Bathurst, Mudgee and Springwood, was a magistrate and, later, a Member of the Legislative Council.

1800 Dec 20; 1801 Jan 9

Appointed to serve on Criminal Court (Reel 6037; SZ987 pp.63-4, 79-80)


On list of civil and military officers and details of his spirit ration under the third Class (Reel 6041; 4/1721 pp.63-4)

1806 Aug 12

At Headquarters (Reel 6041; 4/1720 p.125)

1806 Aug 13

General return (Reel 6041; 4/1721 p.1)


Claims against New South Wales Commissariat (Reel 6041; 4/1722 p.56)

1808 Jan 27

Signatory to letter to Major George Johnston expressing support for his seizure of command of the Colony and recommending that he ensure that measures adopted for public security be confirmed by his successor (Reel 6041; 4/1721 p.336)

1808 May 10

Re return of papers requested by Bligh (Reel 6001; SZ760 p.10a)

1808 May 11

On list of all grants and leases of town allotments registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3268; 9/2731 p.214)

1808 Jul 21

On list of all grants and leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3268; 9/2731 p.166)

1808 Oct 15

Regimental Order re recovery of debts from soldiers (Reel 6040; ML Safe 1/51 pp.143-145)

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