
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

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Macquarie, Lachlan (Apr 1821) to McQueen, John (Per "Indefatigable") (1823)

1821 Apr 4

Re pound in the district of Bathurst (Reel 6065; 4/1798 p.111)

1821 Jun 27

Government & general order; Judge of Supreme Court to have power to issue certificates of clearance to persons leaving Colony during absence of Judge Advocate (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.360-1)

1821 Jun 29

John Wylde complaining of insult by Major Thomas Bell at public dinner given by Lieutenant Governor (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.362-5)

1821 Jul 17

Advising Earl Bathurst of foundation of settlement at Port Macquarie (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.372-3)

1821 Jul 20

Re salary of Revd John Joseph Therry, chaplain of Roman Catholic Church (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.375-6)

1821 Jul 24

Re four emus and two black swans being sent to England per "Coromandel", presents from Macquarie to Earl Bathurst, Lord Castlereagh, and General Sir George Nugent (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.379-85)

1821 Aug 1

Offering Mr Slade the position of Coroner at Sydney, the only one he was likely to have in this gift during his remaining stay in the Colony (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.235)

1821 Aug 5

Major George Druitt listing roads and bridges completed by Engineer's Department & praying remuneration in money or land for attention given by him in inspection of such roads and bridges without extra pay or allowances (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.407-10)

1821 Aug 5,13

To Earl Bathurst recommending George Druitt for additional land (Reel 6056; 4/1764 pp.60-1)

1821 Aug 11

Frederick Drennan asking for expenses for his visits to Hobart, Port Dalrymple and Bathurst Stores, and Macquarie's refusal (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.129-31)

1821 Aug 18

Government & general order; Sydney divided by King Street into North & South Sydney parishes, belonging respectively to St Philip's Church & St James' Church; particular attention to be paid to registers of births, deaths and marriages (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.422-7)

1821 Aug 20-1823 Aug 16

Re contract for grinding Government flour, including a copy of a letter from Macquarie dated Paris, 23 Jul 1823 (Reel 6059; 4/1772 pp.42-58)

1821 Sep 1

Directing John Oxley to mark out 500 aces for James Underwood in payment of passages of Governor's suite on "Midas" to Van Diemen's Land on tour of inspection (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.12-3)

1821 Sep 7,8

William Wemyss stating wheat damaged on "Elizabeth Henrietta" was sold by auction at a loss, and suggesting enquiry into damage; memorandum by Macquarie appointing committee to investigate (Reel 6051; 4/1750 pp.125-6)

1821 Sep 22

Wall of Robert Campbell damaged by repair to road leading to Dawe's Battery to be repaired by Chief Engineer (Reel 6051; 4/1750 pp.156-60)

1821 Oct 25

Memorial from Joseph Underwood, Thomas Rose, Edward Franks & others proposing establishment of stage coach between Sydney and Parramatta and asking certain privileges; approved and exempted from tolls for twelve months (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.107-10)

1821 Oct 31

Ordering grants of land to persons for services rendered to Government (Fiche 3264; 4/7081 pp.43-5)

1821 Nov 24

Government & general order; persons in Sydney, Parramatta, Windsor, Liverpool, Richmond & Castlereagh to whom allotments have been granted must build thereon within 18 months or land reverted to Crown (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.156-9)

1821 Nov 24

John H Riley complaining of conduct of wife and asking that she be placed in the Factory and he be allowed to return to England as clerk to the Governor (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.40-3)

1821 Nov 26,28

To Adjutant General of the Forces re applications for sick leave by Brevet Major Taylor and for leave of absence by Lieutenant Macquarie (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.168-73)

1821 Nov 28

Approved grant to David Johnstone as a reward for his services in reclaiming wild cattle (Fiche 3139; 4/1842B No.423 pp.729-38)

1821 Nov 30

Supporting petition of William Hutchinson (Reel 6056; 4/1765 p.194)

1821 Dec 1

Proclamations to remain in force (Reel 6039; 4/424 pp.4-5)

1821 Dec 3

Compliments and honours to be paid to him (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.5)

1821 Dec 3

Major George Druitt seeking recommendation to Governor Brisbane for appointment as magistrate (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.77-8)

1821 Dec 3-1822 Jan 31

On list of sawyers' bills (Reel 6054; 4/1759 p.116)

1821 Dec 11

Concerning stores for tour to Bathurst (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.141)

1821 Dec 11

Re reduction of fees of the Provost Marshal; regretted took place and referring to his successor (Reel 6017; 4/5783 p.83)

1821 Dec 14

Recommending Lieutenant Robert Johnson for a land grant following his discovery of the River Clyde (Reel 6052; 4/1752 p.12)

1821 Dec 15

Requesting Frederick Goulburn to order articles listed on enclosed memorandum for native feast to be held on 28 Dec at Parramatta; Francis Oakes, steward of the feast, to collect the goods (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.127-31)

1822 Jan-Jun

Referred to in papers re charges brought against Major Druitt (Reel 6053; 4/1754 pp.449-50 & 4/1755 pp.26-7, 155, 192, 271)

1822 Jan 7

Concerning stores for tour of Illawarra (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.246)

1822 Jan 18

Re enquiry into operations of the lumber yard and noting admirable manner in which Macquarie had drawn up the Regulations (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.340)

1822 Jan 21

Copy of letter to Sir Thomas Brisbane from Samuel Marsden defending his character against an attack by Macquarie (Reel 6020; 2/8130 pp.334a-d)

1822 Jan 21

To Major Druitt replying to various queries respecting the charges laid against him by Charles Ellis (Reel 6053; 4/1754 pp.505-8)

1822 Jan 22-Feb 15

Correspondence with Governor Brisbane and to other people preceding his departure in 1822 (Reel 6020; 2/8130 pp.327-55)

1822 Jan 26

To Major Druitt re system of bartering Government stores for articles required for the use of the Crown & the matter of the cart made for Druitt at the Lumberyard (Reel 6053; 4/1754 pp.496-8, 503-4)

1822 Jan 29

Return of debts due to the Crown from public officers or private individuals, incurred during his administration (Reel 6052; 4/1752 pp.32-3)

1822 Jan 30

Reply to Major Druitt re land at Blackwattle Swamp and the fencing of his paddock on the Botany Bay road (Reel 6053; 4/1754 pp.474-7, 491-4)

1822 Jan 30-Feb 16

Re provisions supplied to him for his voyage to England (Reel 6054; 4/1757 pp.7, 10-1)

1822 Jan 31

Arrangements for embarkation of for England on the "Surry" on 7 Feb (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.34)

1822 Jan 31

Recommendation for David Smith (Reel 6054; 4/1759 p.170)

1822 Feb 2

On return of horned cattle issued from the Government Herds between 22 Aug 1819 and 27 Dec 1823; for supplying himself and suite with milk during voyage home (Reel 6031; 4/7028B p.15)

1822 Feb 2

Cow discharged from Government Stock for use of Macquarie on voyage to Europe (Reel 6033; X827 p.39)

1822 Feb 6

Embarkation of postponed until 12 Feb (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.36)

1822 Feb 22

Re legality of land grants drawn up and antedated by Macquarie (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.480)

1822 Mar 19,25

Reference to a claimed verbal approval from Macquarie for H Hume to cut cedar; thought improbable "Macquarie very particular in giving written Documents for the most trifling things" (Reel 6017; 4/5783 pp.6, 16)

1822 Jun 26

Re supply of coal to from His Majesty's Dock Yard (Reel 6053; 4/1756 pp.129-30)

1823 May

Referred to in Major Druitt's reply to the Board of Enquiry into the Engineer Department (Reel 6053; 4/1755 pp.328, 349, 357, 365, 369-71, 373, 381, 384-5, 387-8, 395, 425, 429, 434, 441)

1823 Nov 2

Referred to by Major Druitt in a letter in which he gives further evidence in his defence against accusations laid against him (Reel 6053; 4/1755 pp.468-75)

1824 Jan 5

Referred to by Major Druitt in a letter re his land grant at Mount Druitt and the conduct of the enquiry into his administration of the Engineer Department (Reel 6053; 4/1755 pp.476-8, 481-2)

MACQUARIE, Lachlan. Son of Governor Lachlan Macquarie

1818 Jun 15

Re postponement of Governor's visit to Newcastle because of Lachlan's attack of worm fever (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.280)

1818 Jun 24

Re recovery of Lachlan (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.286)



In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.60)


1821 Dec 8

On return of horned cattle issued from the Government Herds between 22 Aug 1819 & 27 Dec 1823; for extra services to the Crown (Reel 6031; 4/7028B p.15); Cow given to as remuneration for extra services (Reel 6033; X827 p.23)

MACQUARIE ARMS. Public House in Windsor

1817 Apr 19

Publican licensed to sell wine, spirits and beer in 1817 (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.342)

MACQUARIE HARBOUR, Van Diemen's Land see also CUTHBERTSON, John; LAKELAND, John; WRIGHT, Samuel


1816 Jan 29

Re discovery of; includes sketch maps (Reel 6020; 2/8130 pp.59-65)

1816 May 27

To Davey re privileges to be granted to Thomas Birch for discovery of (Reel 6004; 4/3494 pp.499-500)

1816 Jun 1

Re discovery of and granting of trading privileges (Reel 6038; SZ759 pp.207-9)

1819 Jan 12-26

Exploration and survey of by P P King and Allan Cunningham (Reel 6034; SZ7 pp.XXVI-XXXV)

1819 Jan 22

List of trees indigenous in Pine Cove (Reel 6034; SZ7 p.XXXIII)

1819 Feb 16

Western coast of (Reel 6035; SZ13 p.12)

1822 Aug 20, Oct 30; 1823 Nov 1

Articles required for moorings at (Reel 6053; 4/1756 pp.152-5)

1825 Sep 25

Re its establishment as a penal colony (Fiche 3292; 4/6974.1 pp.41-5)


1817 Oct 7

"Endeavour", belonging to Isaac Nichols, proceeding to for skins and oil (Reel 6047; 4/1739 pp.258-9)



1816 Jun 26

Site of considered too distant from the point of South Head to be useful (Reel 6045; 4/1735 pp.77-8)

1817 Nov 22

Payment from the Police Fund to Jeremiah Murphy, Sergeant of the 46th Regiment, for services as Superintendent of Public Works at Macquarie Tower (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.412)

1818 Jun 13

General Order detailing dimensions and bearings of Macquarie Tower (Reel 6038; SZ759 pp.479-80)

1818 Nov 28

Tonnage rate would be levied on ships using Port Jackson Harbour from 1 Jan next in order to defray the expense of showing the South Head Light (Reel 6038, SZ759 pp.520-1; Reel 6039, SZ756 p.51; Reel 6047, 4/1741 pp.120-1)

1818 Nov 28

Appointment of Robert Watson as Superintendent and Keeper of the Light (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.524)

1818 Nov 28

Payment from the Police Fund to James McCane for supplying three brass lamps to Macquarie Tower (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.527)

1820 Apr 15

Name of F H Greenway to be added to inscription; parapet wall on sea side of tower to be completed (Reel 6049; 4/1744 pp.257-60)

1820 Apr 18

Request for certain quantities of linseed oil and other materials for (Reel 6049; 4/1744 p.259)

1820 Apr 24

Request for plan for gates in enclosure around Macquarie Tower (Reel 6049; 4/1744 pp.326-30)


Memorial of Robert Armstrong, Superintendent of the erection of the lighthouse (Fiche 3041; 4/1828 No.7A p.1)


1815 Dec 4

Surprise of Earl Bathurst at discovery of Macquarie River and instructions for further exploration (Reel 6045; 4/1733 pp.96-8)

1817 Nov 10

Provisions ordered for party exploring source of Macquarie River ready (Reel 6047; 4/1739 p.274)

1818 Jan

Preparations made for J Oxley's expedition to (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.40-50)

1818 May 25

Preparations for Oxley's expedition down the Macquarie River (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.50-50a(ii))

1818 May 9

List of new settlers recently sent to Bathurst who are to receive land on the north bank of the Macquarie River (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 pp.42-3)

1818 Jun-Jul

Further report on Oxley expedition down the Macquarie River (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.50f-50f (ii))

1818 Jun 4-21

Journal of Oxley's expedition down the Macquarie (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.50c-50c (xiv))

1818 Jun 9,20

Compared with the Lachlan by John Oxley (Reel 6068; 4/1814 pp.50b(i), 50c(iii))

MACQUARIE TAVERN. Public House at 61 Pitt Street, Sydney

1825 Mar 10

Copy of articles of co-partnership for its two licensees (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.321)



1810 Dec 26

Instructions to James Meehan re laying out of the new townships (Reel 6002; 4/3490D pp.55-60)

1811 Feb 2

To Revd Samuel Marsden re consecration of burial grounds measured out in the new townships (Reel 6002; 4/3490D p.97)


1820 Nov 20

Re rental of residence of James Meehan as school (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.106-9, 110-2)

1820 Dec 16

To be hired as school from 1 Jan 1821 (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.113-6)


1820 Apr 30

Name of farm at Five Islands (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.262-3)


1823 Jul 10

Copy of letter received re request for mitigation of convict's sentence (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.7)


1822 Aug 3

On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.61)

MCQUEEN, Charles

1817 Jun 26

Claimed sentence was reduced from 14 to 7 years (Reel 6005; 4/3496 p.210)



In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.65)

1824 Jan 23

Convict in the service of proceeding to Port Dalrymple per "Nereus" (Reel 6019; 4/3522 p.6)

1825 Feb 16

Memorial for land in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3147; 4/1843B No.596 pp.833-6)

MCQUEEN, John. Newcastle Store


Forwarding a list of persons (Reel 6068; 4/1812 p.162)

MCQUEEN, John (Per "Indefatigable", 1815) see also BOSTOCK & MCQUEEN

MCQUEEN, John. Per "Indefatigable", 1815; auctioneer and commission agent

1818 Aug 13

Drew up memorial for Robert Bostock (Reel 6047; 4/1740 p.277)

1819 Mar 4

Re approval of grant of tenement in Hunter Street to Mr Bostock (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.7)

1819 Jul 13-Oct 28

Bills drawn on H.M. Treasury in favour of (Reel 6049; 4/1745 pp.80-3 & pp.375-8 [second copy])

1820 Nov 22

Complaint that John McQueen had sold 100 chests of tea to Commissariat Department at 2/- per lb with-out tender, also had received tea from S Terry for 1/9 per lb with three months' credit & sold it at 2/2 per lb (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.71-4)

1820 Nov 24-1821 May 24

Store receipts of for tea, sugar, salt, salt pork, salt meat and wheat (Reel 6049, 4/1745 p.354; Reel 6051, 4/1748 pp.136, 137, 140, 142, 151, 164, 173)

1820 Dec 11

Re tea sold to Commissariat (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.479)

1821 Jan 15

Applying for auctioneer's licence (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.95-7). Reply, 19 Jan (Reel 6007; 4/3503 pp.59-60)

1821 Mar 8

Granted an auctioneer's licence (Reel 6070; 4/1265 pp.56-7)

1821 Jul 16

Tendering rebuilt "Endeavour" for use of Government (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.410-2). Reply, 21 Jul (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.159)

1821 Aug 11

Tendering rebuilt "Endeavour" for use of Government (Reel 6051; 4/1749 pp.42-3)

1821 Aug 18

Re his tender of "Endeavour" (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.246)

1821 Oct 1

Memorial for a grant of 400 acres and indulgences (Fiche 3209; 4/1863 p.28). Reply, 13 Nov (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.73)


Re delivery of books from McQueen, Atkinson and Pritchett to Orphan Institution (Reel 6021; 4/7079 p.73)

1822 Jan 7

Listed on Colonial Fund statement (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.81)

1822 Jan 7; 1823 Jan 28

McQueen and Atkinson listed on Colonial Fund statement (Reel 6039; 4/424 pp.80-1, 125, 128)

1822 Feb 16

On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.71)

1822 Mar 23

Re memorial granted (Reel 6009; 4/3505 pp.69, 88)

1822 May 24

Re supervision by A Carr of building of vessel for McQueen and Atkinson (Reel 6053; 4/1756 p.127a)

1822 Jun 20

On schedule of bills drawn upon H.M. Treasury (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p.44)

1822 Jul 6

Macqueen & Atkinson tendering to sell eight tons of Derwent potatoes to Government (Reel 6055; 4/1761 p.8)

1822 Jul 8

MacQueen and Atkinson. New partner, Richard Charles Pritchett; firm now MacQueen, Atkinson and Pritchett, Auctioneers and Vendue Masters (Reel 6055; 4/1761 p.10)

1822 Jul 11

Request by McQueen and Atkinson that Richard Charles Pritchett be permitted to practice as auctioneer (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.74)

1822 Jul 13

MacQueen, Atkinson and Pritchett wish to convert Spanish dollars to Treasury Bills (Reel 6052; 4/1753 p.146)

1822 Jul 15

Wishing to convert Spanish dollars to Treasury Bills (Reel 6052; 4/1753 p.149)

1822 Jul 15

On list of applications for Treasury Bills in exchange for Spanish dollars (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p.49)

1822 Aug

Signatory to petition objecting to the Commissariat's new system of paying for supplies in Spanish dollars (Reel 6017; 4/5783 p.124a)

1822 Aug 6

Re delivery of gunpowder from Fort Philip to McQueen and Atkinson (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.147)

1822 Aug 20

On list receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3291; 4/4570D p.111)

1822 Sep 3, Oct 19

Re gunpowder delivery to McQueen, Atkinson and Pritchett (Reel 6009; 4/3506 pp.222, 385)

1823 Apr

Re payment to Macqueen, Atkinson and Pritchett for books supplied to the Male Orphan Institution (Reel 6021; 4/7079 pp.45a, 73)

1823 Apr 14-May 8

Joseph Johnson convicted by the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction of embezzling from (Reel 6023; X820 p.91)

1823 Aug 15

Re gratuitous remission of excise duties on wine purchased on board the "Avon" (Reel 6056; 4/1764 p.32)

1823 Aug 19

Mentioned in summary of despatch re estate of Joseph Boddy (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.63)

1823 Sep

Re payment to Macqueen and Ferguson for books supplied to the Male Orphan Institution (Reel 6021; 4/7079 p.227)

1823 Dec 6

Memorial (Fiche 3069; 4/1835A No.232 pp.425-32)

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