Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 |
THOMPSON, Catherine | |
1822 Apr 27, May 18 |
Re permission to marry at Castlereagh (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.300) |
THOMPSON, Catherine. Per "Elizabeth", 1818 | |
1818 Nov 25 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Elizabeth" & forwarded to the Factory, Parramatta (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.175) |
1819 Feb 1,2 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.302) |
1819 Aug 14 |
On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.209) |
THOMPSON, Charles | |
n.d. |
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.90) |
THOMPSON, Charles | |
1820 Jul 17 |
Government labourer at Emu Plains (Reel 6049; 4/1745 p.184) |
THOMPSON, Charles | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Stationary servant. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.99) |
THOMPSON, Charles | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Stonemason. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.103) |
THOMPSON, Charles. Per "Earl St Vincent", 1818 | |
1818 Dec 21 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Earl St Vincent" & forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.222) |
THOMPSON, Charles. Per "Grenada", 1819 | |
1819 Oct 30 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Grenada" & forwarded to Emu Plains for distribution (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.3) |
THOMPSON, Charles. Per "Grenada" | |
1824 Aug 14 |
Servant to Charles Walker. On return of proceedings of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.44) |
THOMPSON, Charles. Per "Prince Regent"; died 12 May 1825 | |
1825 May |
On return of the sick prisoners at Melville Island between 1 Nov 1824 & 30 Apr 1825; died 12 May 1825 (Reel 6066; 4/1802 pp.39, 59) |
THOMPSON, David. Per "Indian", 1810 | |
1817 Dec 13 |
Servant to William Cox of Clarendon. Petition for ticket of leave (Fiche 3181; 4/1853 p.331) |
1818 Jul 31, Aug 14 |
Re permission to marry at Castlereagh (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.11) |
1820 May |
Of Evan. Memorial (Fiche 3032; 4/1825B No.735 pp.799-800) |
1822 Jul 25 |
Petition from his wife Ann for a separation (Reel 6055; 4/1761 p.64) |
1822 Oct 29,Nov |
Re permission to marry at Windsor (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.400) |
THOMPSON, Edmond | |
1821 Jun 30 |
Assigned servant to John Oxley (Reel 6051; 4/1749 p.401) |
THOMPSON, Edmond. Per "Mary" | |
1822 Dec 20 |
On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3291; 4/4570D p.122) |
THOMPSON, Edmund. Per "Neptune", 1820 | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Clerk, Commissariat Department. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines; listed as Edward (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.64) |
1822 |
Servant in Commissariat Department. Petition for emancipation (Fiche 3228; 4/1868 p.15) |
1822 Mar 14 |
Re voyage to Hobart; appears as Edward (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.24) |
1822 Mar 25 |
Clerk, Commissariat Department. Re conduct in absenting himself from duty on board "Royal George" for Hobart; appears as Edward (Reel 6054; 4/1757 p.24) |
THOMPSON, Eliza (Mrs) | |
1825 Aug 11 |
To be sent to Van Diemen's Land as a witness in the trial of Sergeant Kirwan (Reel 6063; 4/1784 p.267) |
1825 Aug 17 |
To be provided a passage to Hobart (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.159) |
THOMPSON, Elizabeth | |
1798 Jul 7 |
Five acres of land at Norfolk Island sold to by William Cross (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.77) |
THOMPSON, Elizabeth | |
1816 Nov 19 |
Servant to Mrs James Gordon. On list of passengers on board "Kangaroo" from the Derwent to Sydney (Reel 6046; 4/1737 pp.269-270) |
THOMPSON, Elizabeth | |
1820 May 1,6 |
Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.18) |
THOMPSON, Elizabeth. Daughter of Anne & Matthew Pearson Thompson; aged 7 | |
1822 Sep 24 |
Memorial of Anne Thompson (Fiche 3054; 4/1832 No.383) |
THOMPSON, Elizabeth. Per "Elizabeth", 1818 | |
1820 Nov 6 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6007; 4/3502 pp.403-4) |
THOMPSON, Francis | |
1818 Sep 10 |
Of Liverpool. On list of persons to receive grants of land in 1818 (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.48) |
1821 Mar 5 |
On list of persons for whom grants of land have been handed over to the Surveyor General for delivery, with amount of fees to be charged (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.63) |
THOMPSON, Francis | |
1821 Sep 19 |
Servant of Edward S Hall of Surry Hills. Permitted to proceed with cattle through the Cow Pastures & Argyle to the country lying to the southward & westward of the Cookbundoon Range (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.378) |
THOMPSON, Francis. Per "Anne", 1810 | |
1817 Nov 20 |
Servant to James Meehan of Macquariefield. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3181; 4/1853 p.332) |
THOMPSON, George | |
n.d. |
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.91) |
1822 Jul 11 |
Re appointment as a Justice of the Peace (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.85) |
1824 Jan 8 |
Justice of the Peace. On list of persons in Van Diemen's Land recommended for grants of land in extension or addition to first grants (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.26) |
1825 Jan 23, Apr 12 |
Copies of Letters Patent re his appointment as Justice of the Peace (Reel 6017; 4/5782 pp.201-6, 293-8) |
THOMPSON, George | |
c.1805 |
Former prisoner. On list of free settlers nominated as competent witnesses by Martin Mason in his complaint against Denis McCarty (Reel 6040; ML Safe 1/51 p.61) |
THOMPSON, George | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Employed on the roads. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.79) |
THOMPSON, George | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Labourer. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.97) |
THOMPSON, George | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Watchman. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.67) |
THOMPSON, H Scott | |
n.d. |
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.90) |
THOMPSON, Henry. Per "Elizabeth", 1820 | |
1821 Jan 20 |
Evidence of in case Martin v Phillips (Reel 6051; 4/1748 p.209) |
1824 Jun 12 |
On monthly statement of changes in the convicts at Rooty Hill Station; from Grose Farm (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.257) |
THOMPSON, Hugh. Per "Medina", 1823 | |
1824 Jan 6 |
On list of convicts landed from the "Medina" & forwarded to Evan for distribution (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.133) |
1824 Aug 23 |
Runaway from Emu Plains. On return of fines & punishments in the Police Office (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.87) |
THOMPSON, Isabella | |
1820 May 1,6 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.19) |
THOMPSON, Isabella. Per "Lord Melville", 1817; wife of Richard Thompson | |
1823 Feb 5 |
On list of persons who obtained certificates of freedom during the last week (Reel 6039; 4/424 p.135) |
THOMPSON, Isabella. Per "Wanstead", 1814 | |
1814 Jan 13 |
On list of women prisoners from the "Wanstead" sent to Parramatta (Reel 6004; 4/3493 p.12) |
1820 Aug 22 |
On list of female convicts embarked on "Princess Charlotte" for the public service in Van Diemen's Land (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.217) |
THOMPSON, J R. Of 14 Pitt Street, Sydney | |
1818 Jan 7 |
Letter returning certificates & application (Reel 6005; 4/3497 p.289) |
1821 Sep 8 |
Employed at Pennant Hills. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.89) |
THOMPSON, James | |
n.d. |
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.92) |
THOMPSON, James | |
1818 Apr 6,9 |
Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.136) |
THOMPSON, James. Seaman, "Earl St Vincent" | |
1819 Jan 8 |
His discharge from "Earl St Vincent", to enter service of Joseph Underwood & Mrs Reiby approved (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.254) |
THOMPSON, James. Prisoner at Newcastle; former runaway to India | |
1820 Oct 31 |
Ran away; captured by Aborigines (Reel 6067; 4/1807 pp.135-7) |
THOMPSON, James | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Water carrier. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.100) |
THOMPSON, James | |
1822 c.Feb |
Appears on list supplied by Charles Ellis to the Enquiry into the Engineer Department (Reel 6053; 4/1755 p.81) |
THOMPSON, James. Came free per "Triton", 1824 | |
1824 Apr 8 |
Memorial for allotment in Sydney (Fiche 3113; 4/1839B No.967 pp.1121-2). Reply, 13 Apr (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.619) |
THOMPSON, James. Bushranger captured in Richmond district | |
1825 Sep 30 |
Petition of Robert Aull & Thomas Astbury for indulgence for capture of Thompson (Reel 6064; 4/1787 p.148) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Adamant", 1821 | |
1821 Sep 12 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Adamant" & forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.368) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Calcutta" | |
1812 Dec 26 |
Petition for mitigation of sentence for capturing bushrangers in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3171; 4/1848 pp.309-14) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Earl St Vincent", 1820 | |
1822 Nov 20 |
On list of prisoners forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.462) |
1823 Sep 20 |
On return of convicts discharged from the Establishment, Emu Plains; to Port Macquarie (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.157) |
1823 Oct 15 |
On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.77, 436-7) |
THOMPSON, James or John (Per "Elizabeth", 1816) see THURRET, James
THOMPSON, James. Per "Experiment" | |
1814 Apr 29 |
On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Endeavour" (Reel 6004; 4/3493 p.160) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Morley", 1818; two convicts of this name by this ship | |
1818 Nov 17 |
Two of. On list of convicts disembarked from the "Morley" & forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.148) |
1825 Oct 22 |
Servant of Thomas Huxley of Portland Head. Memorial of Thomas Huxley (Fiche 3137; 4/1842B No.401 p.577) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Ocean", 1816 | |
1816 Feb 5 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Ocean" & forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.338) |
THOMPSON, James. Per "Somersetshire", 1814 | |
1817 Dec 15 |
Servant to John Piper. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3181; 4/1853 p.333) |
1818 Jan 5 |
Recommended for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3183; 4/1854 p.5) |
1820 |
Servant to John Piper. Memorial (Fiche 3032; 4/1825B No.734 pp.795-8) |
THOMPSON, Jane. Daughter of Anne and Matthew Pearson Thompson | |
1822 Sep 24 |
Memorial of Anne Thompson (Fiche 3054; 4/1832 No.383) |
THOMPSON, Jane. Per "Francis and Eliza", 1815 | |
1815 Aug 14 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Francis & Eliza" & sent to the Government Factory at Parramatta (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.139) |
1817 Jan 13 |
Re permission to marry at Castlereagh (Reel 6005; 4/3495 p.454) |
1817 Mar 1,3 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6005; 4/3496 pp.25-6) |
THOMPSON, Jerry | |
1813 Nov 16 |
Escaped from mutiny on "Daphne", 28 Aug 1813 (Reel 6043; 4/1728 p.302) |
THOMPSON, John | |
n.d. |
In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.91) |
THOMPSON, John. Measurer of Timber | |
1801 Mar 22 |
Appointed Wharfinger & Inspector of Goods landed from merchant vessels (Reel 6037; SZ987 p.108) |
1803 Jun 21 |
Measurer of Timber. Master of ships to notify Thompson when they received timber (Reel 6037; SZ991 p.32) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1809 Sep 29, Oct |
Juror at inquests on Eleanor Allicot & John Dignum held at Sydney (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.9, 167, 169) |
THOMPSON, John. Coroner | |
1809 Oct 30 |
Re inquest on Ann Farley (Reel 6021; 4/1819 p.203) |
THOMPSON, John. Master, "Boyd" | |
1809 Nov 4 |
Authorized to act as agent for Simeon Lord in arranging a contract with the Government at the Cape of Good Hope for supply of timber & coal from New South Wales on an exchange basis (Reel 6001; SZ757 pp.63-4) |
1809 Nov 6 |
Acted as agent for Simeon Lord in connection with his contract to supply timber & coal to the Cape of Good Hope in return for wine (Reel 6001; SZ757 p.83a) |
1810 Jan 6 |
Killed by Maoris at Wangarooa in 1809 (Reel 6020; 2/8130 pp.1-4) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1810 Jan 23 |
Reported to be a fugitive (Reel 6003; 4/3490A pp.24-5) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1810 Mar 10 |
Withdrawn from group of convicts being sent to the Derwent (Reel 6003; 4/3490A p.48) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1811 Oct 11 |
Coroner's inquest on held at Sydney (Reel 6043; 4/1726 pp.271-7) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1814 Feb 5 |
Runaway convict apprehended by Thomas Green (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.456) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1814 Aug 1 |
Evidence at inquest on Charles Robertson held at Camden (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.583, 586) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1817 Jun 28 |
Appointed Constable at Cow Pastures (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.362) |
THOMPSON, John. Butcher employed in the Government Slaughter House | |
1817 Sep 17 |
Evidence at inquest on John Rogers (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.603-4) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1820 Jan 6 |
Sick prisoner landed at Hobart per "St Michael" from India (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.168) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1820 Nov 22-Dec 14 |
In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (Reel 6023; X820 p.31) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Employed at the Old Lumber Yard. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.98) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Labourer. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.95) |
THOMPSON, John | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Stationary servant. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.99) |
THOMPSON, John. Surgeon, "Malabar" | |
1821 Dec 15 |
Asking for allowance for medical attention to guard on "Malabar" (Reel 6052; 4/1751 pp.132-3) |
1821 Dec 17 |
Re employment as Surgeon by the Government (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.150) |
1821 Dec 27 |
Re claim for remuneration as Surgeon per "Malabar" (Reel 6008; 4/3504A pp.207-8) |
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