Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 |
WAIN, John. Per "Tottenham", 1818 | |
1822 Jan 7 |
Attached to Thompson's Gang. On return of proceedings of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta; listed as Wane (Fiche 3297; X643 p.1a) |
1823 Nov 20,27 |
Of Thomson's Road Party. On monthly statement of changes in the convicts at Rooty Hill Station; listed as Wayne (Reel 6028; 2/8283 pp.243b, 245) |
WAIN, Lucy (Per "Janus", 1820) see also SEVILLE, Lucy
WAIN, Lucy. Per "Janus", 1820 | |
1820 Aug 7 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta; listed as Strain (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.188) |
1821 Jan 10 |
Petition to Male Orphan Institution on behalf of her son rejected (Reel 6040; 4/400 p.26) |
WAIN, Samuel. Per "Isabella", 1818 | |
1822 Mar 1 |
On list of men from Carter's Barracks who received slop clothing when assigned to Major Druitt (Reel 6053; 4/1755 p.108) |
1822 Dec 31 |
Servant of H C Antill of Sydney; testimony as to his character for a ticket of leave (Reel 6026; 4/1715 pp.381-2) |
WAIN, Stephen. Per "Glatton", 1803 | |
1821 Jan 13 |
Landholder and settler, district of Castlereagh. Evidence at inquest on Elizabeth Mandeville (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.439-40) |
1823 Sep 15 |
Affidavit re loss of his certificate of freedom in Hawkesbury flood (Reel 6026; 4/1713 pp.125-6) |
1824 Aug 31 |
Widower of Evan. Memorial; appears as Wane (Fiche 3115; 4/1840A No.1022 pp.99-100) |
1823 |
Memorial for deeds to farm at Curryjong Brush claimed by James Singleton (Fiche 3073; 4/1835B No.332A p.1045) |
WAINWRIGHT, James. Per "Minerva", 1821 | |
1821 Dec 21 |
On list of convicts landed from the "Minerva" and forwarded to Emu Plains for distribution (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.170[insert]) |
1809 Apr, Jul |
Produce received from at the Hawkesbury Stores (Reel 6040; 9/2673 pp.33, 61) |
1811 Feb 11-18 |
Purchased goods at an auction by John Howe at Windsor; sold for executors to the estate of the late Andrew Thompson (Reel 6040; ML C197 pp.1-3, 8, 11-2, 16) |
1816 Jan 16 |
On list of persons to receive grants of land in 1816 (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.26) |
1821 Mar 24, May 24 |
Store receipts of for wheat; paid at Windsor (Reel 6051; 4/1748 pp.153, 168, 181) |
1824 Nov |
Re claims for his late mother-in-law's land in district of Castlereagh (Reel 6017; 4/5782 pp.140, 151) |
1824 Dec 23 |
Re result of enquiry (Reel 6014; 4/3513 p.142) |
1822 Jan 2 |
To be released from Windsor Gaol in celebration of the appointment of Sir Thomas Brisbane as Governor (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.221) |
WAINWRIGHT, John. Per "Batavia", 1818 | |
1818 Apr 14 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Batavia" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.152) |
WAINWRIGHT, John. Per "Surrey", 1814 | |
1817 Jun 10 |
On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6005; 4/3496 p.178) |
WAINWRIGHT, Samuel. Per "Neptune", 1818 | |
1824 Jan |
On return of convicts discharged from the Establishment, Emu Plains; to Windsor Bridge Party (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.183) |
WAINWRIGHT, Samuel. Per "Perseus", 1802 | |
1816 Nov 16 |
On list of persons who came as convicts and who claimed they were free at the last General Muster, without supporting documentation; appears as J Mainwright (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.285) |
1823 Sep 16 |
Affidavit re loss of his certificate of freedom (Reel 6026; 4/1713 pp.133-4) |
WAIR, Charlotte. Settler in District of Airds | |
1820 |
Employed Francis Allen. Memorial of Francis Allen (Fiche 3013; 4/1823 No.7) |
WAITE, James. Per "Eliza", 1820 | |
1820 Jan 31 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Eliza" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.217) |
WAITE, John. Per "Coromandel", 1804 | |
1810 Feb 14 |
Servant of Charles Throsby. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3168; 4/1847 p.229) |
1817 Dec 1 |
Servant to Charles Throsby. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3182; 4/1853 p.348) |
1818 Sep 10 |
Of Liverpool. On list of persons to receive grants of land in 1818 (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.50) |
1819 Apr-May |
On expedition to Bathurst with Charles Throsby (Reel 6034; 9/2743 p.77) |
1819 May 31 |
Granted one hundred acres for services on Throsby's expedition of exploration (Reel 6038; SZ1044 p.49) |
1819 Aug 27 |
Proceeding to new country, County of Camden, as settler; granted a victualling order on Liverpool store (Reel 6020; 2/8130 p.253) |
1819 Sep 10 |
Convict disembarked from "Canada" assigned to at Liverpool (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.253) |
1820 Apr 28 |
Of District of Minto. Robbery at house of, on 29 Mar 1820 (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.254-7) |
1820 Nov 22-Dec 14 |
John Sullivan & others convicted by Court of Criminal Jurisdiction of burglary from Waite's house (Reel 6023; X820 p.29) |
1823 Apr 8 |
Former servant to Charles Throsby; settler in the County of Argyle. Memorial (Fiche 3073; 4/1835B No.333 pp.1046-52) |
1825 Apr 7 |
Former servant of Charles Throsby; of County of Argyle. Memorial for additional grant in County of Argyle (Fiche 3159; 4/1844C No.826 pp.1083-6) |
1825 May 17 |
On list of warrants for land purchases (Fiche 3260; 2/1925 p.24) |
WAITE, Mary | |
1820 Apr 28 |
Evidence given by Thomas Prentice, Thomas Wilmot and Mary Waite re armed robbery at house of John Waite on 29 Mar 1820 (Reel 6050; 4/1746 pp.254-7) |
WAITE, Thomas. Per "General Stuart", 1818 | |
1819 Jan 13 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "General Stuart" and forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.261) |
WAITE, Thomas. Per "Somersetshire", 1814 | |
1814 Oct 25 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Somersetshire" & forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3493 p.346) |
1820 Jun 15-Aug 5 |
To be transported to Newcastle for seven years. In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (Reel 6023; X820 p.11) |
1820 Jul 27 |
On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Princess Charlotte" (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.146) |
WAITING, Michael | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Shell Gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.81) |
WAKEFIELD, David. Settler, Van Diemen's Land | |
1812 |
Transactions with Major Geils whilst he was Commandant (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.129) |
1812 Aug 1 |
Receipt for remuneration from Major Geils for removing from farm adjoining Parish's Farm (Reel 6044; 4/1729 pp.349-50) |
1814 Mar |
Alleged to have been given Government stores by Major Geils contrary to regulations (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.106) |
1814 Mar 21 |
Claim against Major Geils for non-payment of remuneration for farm declared false (Reel 6044; 4/1729 pp.343-4) |
1814 Mar 21,22 |
To Geils re failure to complete purchase of Wakefield's farm (Reel 6004; 4/3493 pp.95, 101) |
WAKEFIELD, Richard. Per "Almorah", 1817 | |
1817 Sep 1 |
Signed testimonial to surgeon on "Almorah" (Reel 6047; 4/1739 pp.237-9) |
1819 Mar 5 |
On list of convicts embarked on "Prince Leopold" for the public service in Van Diemen's Land (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.27) |
WAKEFIELD, Thomas. Per "Fame", 1817 | |
1819 Jun 23 |
From Van Diemen's Land. On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6006; 4/3500 p.156) |
1820 Jun |
On monthly return of prisoners punished at Newcastle (Reel 6023; 4/1718 pp.107-8) |
1821 Jan 1 |
Hurt by lightning on 30 Dec 1820 at Newcastle but recovering (Reel 6067; 4/1807 pp.153-4) |
1822 May 10 |
Re sentence (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.261) |
1822 Aug 30 |
On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.5, 368-9) |
WAKELAN, William. Per "Larkins", 1817 | |
1821 Jun |
On list of convicts embarked on "Prince Regent" for Port Macquarie (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.88) |
WAKELY, Catherine see WARD, Catherine
WAKELY, Jane. Per "Brothers", 1824 | |
1825 |
On list of convicts mustered in the employ of Thomas Hawkins of Bathurst in 1823 and 1824 (Fiche 3135; 4/1842A No.367 p.379) |
1825 Aug 25 |
Convict in the service of Thomas Hawkins of Bathurst at the last two musters (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.212) |
WAKEMAN, George | |
1821 Sep 8 |
Stationary servant. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.100) |
WAKEMAN, George. Per "Coromandel", 1820 | |
1825 May 4 |
Gave up ticket of leave to return to Hyde Park Barracks (Reel 6063; 4/1784 pp.289-289a) |
WAKEMAN, John. Per "General Hewitt", 1814; nailor | |
1815 Oct 30 |
On list of mechanics and labourers to be embarked on the "Emu" for the service of the Government at Port Dalrymple (Reel 6004; 4/3494 pp.253, 258) |
WAKEMAN, Sarah. Daughter of William, constable | |
1821 Sep 8 |
On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.60) |
WAKEMAN, William. Of The Rocks | |
1810 Jul 21 |
Issued with licence to retail beer, ale and porter (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp.72-3) |
WAKEMAN, William. Per "Anne", 1810 | |
1815 Nov 20 |
Overseer of Hospital. Re evidence at inquest of Michael Glinen (Reel 6021; 4/1819 p.226) |
1817 Jul |
Overseer of General Hospital. Petition for a Government servant on the Stores (Fiche 3182; 4/1853 p.349) |
1820 |
Memorial (Fiche 3033; 4/1825B No.767 pp.897-900) |
1821 Sep 8 |
Constable. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines; with his wife & daughter (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.60) |
1822 |
Signatory to petition from the ordinary constables of Sydney complaining of the diminution of their rations (Reel 6055; 4/1760 p.43c) |
1822 Dec 27-1825 Aug 19 |
On pay list of constables employed at Sydney (Reel 6029, 4/7016A pp.15-217, 4/7016B pp.7-209 & 4/7016C pp.23-385; Reel 6030, 4/7016D pp.21-373; Reel 6061, 4/1779 pp.154c, 163c & 4/1780 pp.190c, 207c, 222d) |
1823 Mar |
On list of constables in Sydney from Sep 1820 to Mar 1823 (Reel 6056; 4/1764 p.64) |
1824 |
On list of constables doing duty in Sydney and its environs requiring slop clothing (Reel 6017; 4/5782 p.95) |
1824 May 22, Jun 4,11 |
On lists of constables doing duty for the town of Sydney & its vicinity who are entitled to a weekly ration (Reel 6061; 4/1779 pp.97c, 119d, 140d) |
1824 Dec 31 |
On list of district and other constables doing duty in Sydney and its vicinity; Police Office keeper (Reel 6063; 4/1784 p.314c) |
WAKER, George. Per "Batavia", 1818 | |
1818 Apr 14 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Batavia" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.151) |
1818 Oct 31 |
Discharged from hospital to service of Mr Hobson, Parramatta (Reel 6047; 4/1741 p.81) |
1821 Jan 19 |
Servant to Frederick Drennan. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3211; 4/1863 p.96) |
1824 Jan |
Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.137) |
WAKES, Robert. Of Kissing Point | |
1823 Aug 28 |
On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.2) |
WALBOURN, James. Soldier, 102nd regiment | |
1810 Nov 2 |
Transferred from Sydney to the Hawkesbury; appears as Walburne (Reel 6042; 4/1725 p.347) |
WALBOURN, James. Born on Norfolk Island | |
1816 Nov 3 |
Son of Sophia. Evidence at mother's inquest (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.696, 699) |
1820 Jul 3 |
Son of James Walborn, formerly of 102nd Regiment. Memorial (Fiche 3033; 4/1825B No.768 pp.901-4) |
WALBOURN, Sophia | |
1816 |
Soldier's wife. On list of persons on board "Kangaroo"; listed as Walbron (Reel 6045; 4/1734 p.57) |
1816 Nov 3 |
Inquest on body of (Reel 6021; 4/1819 pp.693-700) |
WALCOTT, Richard. Per "Asia", 1822 | |
1822 Jul 29 |
On list of convicts landed from the "Asia" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution; crossed out, assigned in Sydney (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.95) |
1822 Jul 29 |
On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3291; 4/4570D p.128) |
WALDEN, John. Per "Coromandel", 1820 | |
1822 Feb 20 |
On list of prisoners assigned; listed as Waldron (Fiche 3291; 4/4570D p.127) |
1823 Oct 6,8 |
Re permission to marry at Parramatta (Reel 6011; 4/3509 p.425) |
WALDON, Patrick. Per "Henry Porcher", 1825 | |
1825 Dec 9 |
On list of convicts landed from the "Henry Porcher" and forwarded to Bathurst for distribution (Reel 6016; 4/3516 p.105) |
WALDRON, John | |
1802 Apr 10 |
Of Maskeline and Banks district. Particulars of arms in possession of (Reel 6041; 4/1719 p.85) |
1804 Apr 7 |
On list of non-commissioned officers and privates who subscribed to the rules and orders of the Sydney Loyal Association (Reel 6041; 4/1719 p.192) |
WALDRON, John | |
1811 Jan 14 |
Prisoner at Newcastle. To be returned to Sydney for medical treatment (Reel 6003; 4/3492 pp.23-4) |
1811 Jan 22 |
Sent per "Lady Nelson" under sentence of hard labour in coal mines, Newcastle (Reel 6003; 4/3490A p.146) |
1811 Feb 1 |
Arrived at Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6066; 4/1804 p.60) |
WALDRON, John. Per "Earl Cornwallis", 1801 | |
1800 Oct 13 |
On list of convicts on board the "Earl Cornwallis" (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.25) |
WALDRON, John. Per "Elizabeth", 1820 | |
1821 Jan 11 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Elizabeth" and forwarded to Airds for distribution (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.38) |
WALDRON, Phoebe | |
1809 Oct 3 |
Of Windmill Row. On list of all grants and leases of town allotments registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3268; 9/2731 p.228) |
1810 Jan |
Memorial (Fiche 3010; 4/1822 No.321) |
1810 Jul 21 |
Issued with licence to retail beer, ale and porter; listed as Waldren (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp.72-3) |
1811 Mar 6 |
Of Prince Street, Sydney. Received beer licence in Feb 1811 (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp.181-2, 184) |
1813 Aug 7 |
On list of persons holding licences for sale of wine and spirituous liquors (Reel 6038; SZ758 pp.405-7) |
WALDRON, William. Per "Three Bees", 1814 | |
1814 May 11 |
On list of convicts disembarked from the "Three Bees" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3493 p.165) |
1818 Nov |
Government stockman at Bathurst. Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3190; 4/1856 p.278) |
1820 Dec 26 |
On list of persons requesting permission to marry (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.5) |
WALDRON, Willis | |
1822 Jun 18 |
Simeon Lord of Sydney permitted to employ for the procurement of a cargo of timber at Port Stephens (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.402) |
WALDRUM, John (Per "Elizabeth", 1820) see WALDRON, John
1806-8 |
Entitled to receive ration of 1/4 pipe of port wine and 24 dozen bottles under the third Class (Reel 6041; 4/1721 p.64) |
WALE, John. Per "Hercules", 1825 | |
1825 May 11 |
On list of convicts landed from the "Hercules" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6014; 4/3514 p.278) |
WALE, Mary | |
1823 Aug 4 |
Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6011; 4/3509 p.15) |
WALE, Sarah | |
1824 Jun 7,8 |
Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.428) |
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