
Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

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Commons (1822) to Conliff


Memorial of settlers at Bathurst praying that some forest ground be located as a common (Reel 6065; 4/1798 pp.127-30)

1822 Jul 18

Memorial from inhabitants & stockholders of Parramatta re common land on the Sydney road known as the Dog Traps (Reel 6055; 4/1761 pp.22a-c)

1824 May 3

Letter from inhabitants of the Lower Branch re a clause they wished to have inserted in the deed for the common at Wallambine Creek (Reel 6061; 4/1779 pp.50a-d)

COMMONS, Lackey. Per "Lord Sidmouth", 1821

1824 Jan

On return of convicts received at the Establishment, Emu Plains; from Dr Harris. Listed as Lackie Commins (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.209)

1824 Feb 19

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.112, 464-5)

COMMONS, Patrick or Thomas. Per "Medina", 1823


Veteran of the Peninsular Campaign and Waterloo. Requesting a position; as Thomas Cummins (Reel 6056; 4/1763 p.154)

1824 Jan 6

On list of convicts landed from the "Medina" & forwarded to Bathurst for distribution (Reel 6012; 4/3510 p.133)

1824 Feb

On return of prisoners punished at Bathurst; listed as Thomas Cummins (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.5)

1824 Apr 10

On list of prisoners on establishment at Bathurst with sentences not transmitted; listed as Thomas Commons (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.103)

1824 Jun

Servant to Mr H O'Bryan. On return of settlers men punished in the County of Westmoreland; listed as Thomas Cummins (Reel 6023; 4/6671 p.119)

1824 Jul 9

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.164, 480-1)

1825 Sep 4

Petition for mitigation of sentence; as Thomas Cummings (Fiche 3245; 4/1873 p.47)

COMMONS, Thomas (Per "Medina", 1823) see COMMONS, Patrick or Thomas


COMPANY, John (Per "General Stuart", 1818) see CAMPANY, John



1823 Mar 3

Statement of provisions shipped on board for the use of convicts after their arrival (Reel 6023; 4/1095.2 p.33)

1823 Sep 23

Tendered by her master William Ascough for the conveyance of troops to Madras (Reel 6059; 4/1772 p.137). Reply, 27 Sep (Reel 6011; 4/3509 p.319)

"COMPETITOR", Master of see ASCOUGH, William


COMPTON, Catherine (Junior). Daughter of Catherine Compton

1814 Jan 12

On list of passengers on board "Kangaroo" (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.11)

COMPTON, Catherine

1814 Jan 14

On list of passengers on board "Kangaroo" (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.11)


1814 Aug 4

Carpenter on "Kangaroo" (Reel 6044; 4/1730 pp.235-41)

COMPTON, John (Per "Shipley", 1822) see CRAMPTON, Joseph

COMPTON, Joseph (Per "Shipley", 1822) see CRAMPTON, Joseph


COMPTON, Thomas. Per "Larkins", 1817

1817 Dec 2

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Larkins" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6005; 4/3497 p.192)

COMPTON, William. Per "Minerva", 1821

1822 Aug 8

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.19)

1824 Apr

On monthly return of prisoners punished at Newcastle; for mutinous conduct on board the cutter "Eclipse" (Reel 6023; 4/1718 p.181)

1824 Jun 16

On list of convicts employed by John Bingle (Fiche 3077; 4/1836A No.67A p.302)

1824 Jun 28

Convict servant of John Bingle. To be victualled from the Stores for six months (Reel 6013; 4/3511 p.593)

CONALLY, Philip (Revd) see CONOLLY, Philip (Revd)



1794 Dec 13

On list of all grants & leases of land registered in the Colonial Secretary's Office (Fiche 3267; 9/2731 p.46)

CONAWAY, James. Per "Brittannia", 1798

1810 Jan 29

Memorial (Fiche 3002; 4/1821 No.64)

CONCANNON, John. Per "Isabella", 1822

1822 Mar 14

On list of convicts landed from the "Isabella" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3505 p.11)



Permission sought to import goods from Rio de Janeiro and Cape of Good Hope in "Concord" (Reel 6046; 4/1736 pp.43-4)

"CONCORD", Master of see GARBUTT, Thomas


1825 Jan 24

Request from settlers and landholders of district for a good road (Reel 6063; 4/1785 p.60)

CONDELL, William. Per "Marquis of Wellington", 1815

1817 Dec 13

Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3175; 4/1850 p.52)

CONDEN, James (Per "Mary", 1819) see CONLAN, James

CONDEN, Michael (Per "John Barry", 1821) see CONDRON, Michael



1819 Sep

On list of fees paid to the Clerk of the Peace, 1 Jan 1817 to 1 Jan 1821; in case of King v Condon (Reel 6054; 4/1758 p.66a)

CONDON, Anne. Born in the Colony

1825 Aug 23

To be received into the General Hospital (Reel 6015; 4/3515 p.185)

CONDON, Edward. Per "Hooghley", 1825

1825 Apr 27

On list of convicts landed from the "Hooghley" and forwarded to Liverpool for distribution (Reel 6014; 4/3514 p.152)


1821 Sep 8

Stonemason. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.104)


1822 Jan

Signatory to address from prisoners in Hyde Park Barracks expressing concern at the charges proceeding against Major Druitt & the hope that his innocence would be proved (Fiche 3048; 4/1830 No.183)

CONDON, James. Per "Boyd", 1809

1813 Feb 27

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Estramina" (Reel 6003; 4/3492 p.209)

CONDON, James. Per "Guildford", 1816; of Minto

1822 Nov

On list of persons receiving an assigned convict (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.20)

1824 Oct

Memorial (Fiche 3124; 4/1840C No.149 pp.827-9)

1825 Apr 20

On list of persons who have received orders for grants of land (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.86); on list of lands granted and reserved by Sir Thomas Brisbane (Fiche 3269; 9/2740 p.6)

CONDON, James. Per "Mangles", 1822

1822 Nov

On list of convicts landed from the "Mangles" and forwarded to Airds for distribution (Reel 6009; 4/3506 p.431)


1813 Jan 30

Paid fine into the Police Fund (Reel 6038; SZ758 p.350)


1821 Sep 8

Employed on the roads. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.80)

1822 Mar

On lists of persons forming roads under the direction of James Johnson, overseer, from 21 Oct 1818 to 2 Mar 1822 (Reel 6053; 4/1754 p.414 & 4/1755 p.96)

CONDON, Michael. Per "Lord Sidmouth", 1821

1822 Mar 1

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.17)

CONDON, Pierce. Per "Tellicherry", 1806

1805 Aug 17

On list of convicts embarked on board the "Tellicherry" (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.40)


On list of criminals convicted of murder (Reel 6070; 4/1265 p.150)

CONDON, Redmond

1821 Sep 8

Employed on the roads. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.77)

CONDON, Thomas

1816 Nov 19

Juror at inquest on Timothy Griffin held at Sydney (Reel 6021; 4/1819 p.253)

CONDON, Thomas. Per "Atlas", Oct 1802

1820 Jan 20

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6007; 4/3501 p.197)

1823 Feb 25

On list of convicts removed from Newcastle to Port Macquarie per "Mermaid" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.392-3)

CONDON, Thomas. Per "Hindostan", 1821

1822 Dec 22

On return of convicts discharged from the Establishment, Emu Plains; to Orphan School Farm clearing party (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.128)

1824 May 7

On return of convicts discharged from the Establishment, Emu Plains; to Mr Acres' clearing party (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.191)

1825 Aug 9

On monthly statement of changes in the convicts at Rooty Hill Station; to Prisoners Barracks, Parramatta (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.285)

CONDON, Wallow

1821 Sep 8

Town gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.87)

CONDON, William. Per "Tyne", 1819

1819 Jan 13

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Tyne" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.259)

1820 Nov 20

On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.458)

1821 Sep 8

Town gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.87)

1822 Oct 26, Nov 30

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.20)

1823 May 21

On list of convicts employed by William Lawson; from Jan 1819 to 1821. Listed as Condron (Reel 6058; 4/1771 p.313c)



1821 Mar 24

On list of convicts proceeding per "Prince Leopold" to Van Diemen's Land for assignment (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.190)

CONDRON, Andrew. Per "Surrey"

1818 Aug 11

On list of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.13)

CONDRON, Eliza. Per "Almorah", 1824

1824 Aug 25

Not to be assigned from the Female Factory, Parramatta until the "Almorah" quits Port Jackson (Reel 6013; 4/3512 p.253)

1824 Oct 5, Nov 9

On list of prisoners assigned (Fiche 3290; 4/4570D p.26)

CONDRON, Esther. Per "Almorah", 1824

1825 Jun 11

Re permission to marry at Sydney (Reel 6014; 4/3514 p.399)


1811 Feb 16

Sent to work in coal mines at Newcastle for absconding (Reel 6003; 4/3490A pp.165-6)

1812 Jun 8

Served his sentence but to remain at Newcastle (Reel 6003; 4/3492 p.127)


1809 Sep 19

Sentence of death by the Criminal Court commuted to life as a convict within the Territory (Reel 6037; SZ993 p.157)

CONDRON, John. Of Cow Pastures

1811 Jun 12

On list of persons to receive grants of land in different parts of the Colony as soon as they can be measured; at Upper Minto (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.7)


1823 Apr 5

On return of allotments in the town of Parramatta (Fiche 3265; 4/7576 p.2)

CONDRON, Michael. Per "John Barry", 1821

1821 Nov 9

On list of convicts landed from the "John Barry" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.37)

1825 Sep 3

Assigned to Charles Beasley of Windsor; listed as Conden (Fiche 3119; 4/1840B No.36 pp.221-8)

CONDRON, William (Per "Tyne", 1819) see CONDON, William


CONE, Henry


On list of former inhabitants of Norfolk Island who have complained at not having received remuneration for buildings on that Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A pp.91-2)

1810 c.Mar

On account of claims omitted from the general embarkation list of settlers and others removed from Norfolk Island (Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.89)

1813 Feb 15

On list of property at Norfolk Island belonging to settlers now at the Derwent (Reel 6020; 4/6977A p.26)


In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.16)


On list of persons owing quit rents in Van Diemen's Land; for land in the District of Argyle (Fiche 3270; X19 p.5)

CONE, James (Per "Guildford", 1816) see COHEN, James


CONE, Joseph. Per "Surrey", 1823

1823 May 1

Convict servant of Thomas Raine. To be victualled from the Store at Bathurst for six months (Reel 6010; 4/3508 p.228)

CONGO-GAL. An Aborigine

1823 Sep 2

One of four natives believed to have killed Peter Bray. Evidence and verdict of an inquest held at Bathurst Plains (Reel 6017; 4/5783 pp.425-6)



CONLAN, Charles. Per "Canada", 1815

1815 Aug 15

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Canada" and "Francis and Eliza" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.141)


Petition for mitigation of sentence (Fiche 3193; 4/1857 p.74)

1825 Nov

To be granted a conditional pardon; listed as Conlins (Fiche 3292; 4/6974.1 pp.48, 73)

CONLAN, Edward

1821 May 24

Store receipts of for wheat (Reel 6051; 4/1748 p.180)

CONLAN, Edward. Per "Canada", 1815

1815 Aug 15

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Canada" and "Francis and Eliza" and forwarded to Windsor for distribution (Reel 6004; 4/3494 p.141)


Petition for mitigation of sentence; as Connellin (Fiche 3184; 4/1854 p.57)

CONLAN, Hugh. Per "Guildford", 1816

1818 Jan 12

Prisoner at Port Dalrymple. On list of passengers proceeding to Van Diemen's Land at the Government's expense per "Governor Macquarie" (Reel 6005; 4/3497 p.300)

1818 Dec 10

Arrived from Van Diemen's Land per "Elizabeth Henrietta" under sentence of transportation to Newcastle; to be held in Sydney Gaol (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.199)

1818 Dec 19

On list of prisoners sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson"; listed as Conly (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.215)

1821 Jun 11

On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Governor Bligh" (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.38)

1822 Oct

On monthly return of prisoners punished at Newcastle (Reel 6023; 4/1718 pp.159-60)

CONLAN, Hugh. Per "Tellicherry", 1806

1805 Aug 17

On list of convicts embarked on board the "Tellicherry" (Reel 6028; 2/8283 p.38)

CONLAN, James. Per "Mary", 1819

1822 Sep 23-Oct 21

Sentenced to death; commuted to transportation to Port Macquarie. In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction; listed as Conden (Reel 6023; X820 p.65)

1822 Nov 5

Tried in Sydney. Sentence commuted to transportation; listed as Conden (Reel 6070; 4/1265 p.9)

1822 Nov 19

On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.17, 376-7)

CONLAN, John. Per "Recovery", 1823

1823 Aug 4

On list of convicts landed from the "Recovery" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6011; 4/3509 p.4)

CONLAN, Michael

1823 Jan, Apr

Government servant to Mr Franklin. On lists of prisoners detained for trial at Campbelltown and victualled by Thomas Burke, District Constable (Reel 6058; 4/1769 pp.155a, 157b)

CONLAN, Patrick. Per "Henry Porcher", 1825

1825 Dec 9

Convict servant of Mr S W Stewart. To be victualled from the Stores at Newcastle for six months (Reel 6016; 4/3516 p.114)

CONLAN, Patrick

1821 Sep 8

Grass boats. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.111)

CONLAN, Patrick. Of Bathurst

1825 Jul 20

Deposition in case of Thomas Rosethorn (Reel 6063; 4/1786 pp.20-1)

CONLAN, Patrick. Per "Almorah", 1820

1821 Jan 6

On list of convicts disembarked from the "Almorah" and forwarded to Parramatta for distribution (Reel 6007; 4/3503 p.17)

CONLEY, James (Per "Earl St Vincent", 1820) see CONNELLY, James



In index to land grants in Van Diemen's Land (Fiche 3262; 4/438 p.18)

1812 Apr 18, Sep 15

Stores issued to from H.M. Tool Store, Hobart (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.334)

1812 Apr-Sep

In private employment of Major Geils at Risdon (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.105)

1812 Jul 27

Witnessed legal document in Hobart (Fiche 3261; 4/433 p.27)

1812 Dec 19

Received nails from H.M. Tool Store, Hobart (Reel 6044; 4/1729 p.333)

CONLIFF, Samuel. Per "Fanny", 1816

1818 Mar 13

On list of convicts to be sent to Newcastle per "Lady Nelson" (Reel 6006; 4/3498 p.87)

1821 Jul 11

On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.149)

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